Eczema Treatments Are Notoriously Ineffective? Find Out What You May Be Doing Wrong

Eczema Treatments Are Notoriously Ineffective? Find Out What You May Be Doing Wrong

Unfortunately, most of what is known about the cause of eczema is speculation – which explains why it continues to spread at epidemic rates. Some say it’s caused by heredity, some by industrial pollutants, and others say it’s caused by harsh, toxic household chemicals and skin care products. This also explains why there is a wealth of eczema treatments and moisturizing products, and why they rarely work. Understanding eczema will go a long way to helping you determine which eczema treatment may work for you.

You need to understand skin structure.

Healthy skin is elastic and has high water content. The outer layer of skin consists of dead skin cells, oils, and fats, and is designed to prevent water loss through the surface layer from the deeper layers. It also prevents the absorption of bacteria and other toxins from our environment and from our household and skin care products.

Eczema starts with the surface layer being disturbed.

The dead skin cells, oils, and fats are not present in the volume necessary and, consequently, tiny cracks form that let moisture escape and let bacteria and other toxins in. The toxins cause the skin to dry further which may result in the larger cracks and splits in the skin that we associate with eczema. These cracks and splits then allow the absorption of more toxins, allergens, irritants, and bacteria.

Many people think that the root of the problem is moisture loss – which is why moisturizers are a preferred treatment. In fact, moisture loss is secondary to the damage done to the skin’s surface layer. If you can repair the surface layer, it will then be able to naturally lock in moisture.

You would think that traditional moisturizers would enable this to happen but, as many eczema sufferers who have used one moisturizer after another can attest, it doesn’t work. Why? Because most traditional moisturizers actually damage the surface layer of the skin: They may contain ingredients that make the skin feel moist, but underneath that slick surface their chemical ingredients are hard at work to cause further damage.

What is the remedy?

Thousands of doctors are now recommending a shielding lotion for eczema treatment. A good shielding lotion bonds with the outer layer of the skin to form a new surface layer. That layer, just like the natural surface of healthy skin, locks in moisture and keeps out toxins and irritants. This enables the skin to heal and re-form its own protective surface layer. As it repairs, the skin becomes more able to retain moisture on its own.

The proof that the surface layer is actually healing is seen on the skin itself, and the fact that, unlike traditional moisturizers, you need to apply shielding lotion less frequently as time goes on.

If you’re tired of going through one product after another looking for an eczema treatment that actually works, give shielding lotion a try. It could be the answer you’ve been looking for.

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