Recommended + Prescribed By Doctors
A Shielding Lotion bonds with the outermost layer of skin cells to turn it into an invisible shield for your hands, arms, neck, legs, feet and face.
It creates a pair of "invisible gloves" to prevent dry skin by helping to keep moisture-robbing irritants out while better retaining your skin's own natural moisture and oils, the only thing that will actually resolve a dry skin condition as opposed to just covering it up.
One application of Gloves In A Bottle lasts four hours or more and comes off naturally as you exfoliate the outer most layers of skin cells.
It restores the protective qualities to the outer layer of skin that modern living strips away, so that your skin stays properly moisturized and healthy.
Gloves In A Bottle skin moisturizing shielding lotion enhances and/or restores your natural skin barrier, retaining your natural moisture in the way your body intended.

The Link Between Flu Season and Dry Skin.
"This is due to the potency of antibacterial gels on the market. Most of these gels contain at least 60% alcohol in order to be effective. Daily use of these can be very damaging to the skin. As doctors, we highly recommend the use of shielding lotions as an added defense. They help to reverse the damage of over-sanitizing, and keep your hands healthy. Many hospitals and health care workers around the world, particularly in the USA, use Gloves In A Bottle Shielding Lotion as part of their daily regimen. This product is designed to enhance your skin’s natural defense by creating an invisible shield, like a second skin.” explains Dr. Weber.
Step 1: Washing Your Hands
The CDC has recommended hand washing take place after any situation whereby your hands have come in contact with anything potentially containing germs and also before using your hands to prepare food, or attend to babies or the elderly.
Washing your hands for a minimum time of 20 seconds between fingers and thumbs is suggested as the optimal process.
Watch this video to make sure you are clear on how to wash properly.

Step 2: Use a Shielding Lotion
“A conventional lotion is not formulated to protect the skin like a Shielding Lotion does. Conventional lotions only add surface moisture to temporarily alleviate the dryness or itching. Shielding Lotions are an effective dry-skin treatment because they bond with the skin and protect it for long periods of time. With this protection in place your skin keeps its own moisture in and has a chance to use this natural moisture in the deep layers of the skin to heal itself,” states Dr. Lisa Benest, a board certified dermatologist of Burbank, CA.