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Dry hands happen. When you spend a lot of time working with your hands, dry hands are the absolute worst. So, you moisturize and treat your dry hands only to find that your hands are too sticky to do your work or, worse yet, that it has actually dried your hands out further. If that's the case, it may be time to try Gloves In A Bottle® Shielding Lotion.

Total Beauty Online places Gloves In A Bottle for a Must-Have for Summer Beauty
With more skin on show during summer, it is essential to keep your body and hands well moisturized to prevent cracked and itchy skin.

Nurse Buff Online Magazine lists Gloves In A Bottle as a TOP choice for Nurses.
As a nurse, hand washing is unavoidable - and so is dry, cracked skin. A proven hand lotion is a must-have.

Gardening Know-How Says It Is the Perfect Gift for a Gardener
Whether it is for mother's day or just to say thank you to someone special, any gardener in your life is going to benefit from Gloves In A Bottle (just ask the experts).

Working Mother Magazine Mentions Us Amongst the BEST Back to School Products.

Allure Magazine Lists Us Amongst the BEST Hand Lotions to Help Cure Dry Skin.

Spotted: Hot in New York Magazine
Listed as New York's Hottest Skin Trend

Spotted: Top Trends in In Touch Magazine
Listed as 2019 Top Trends for Summer. If you love your skin, you need Gloves In A Bottle.

Feature Article: Grit Daily special
An exclusive look at Gloves In A Bottle for over washed hands - something we are all guilty of.

Bazaar Magazine's Top 5 Hand Creams
Bazaars Top 5 hand cream recommendations by doctors and nurses includes Gloves In A Bottle

Spotted: Bustle's Best Lotions
Listed in the top 3 best lotions for frequently washed hands is Gloves In A Bottle - perfect for all year round protection from over washing.

Yahoo News! Discusses the Hype.
Newsworthy hype around the product has shoppers obsessing over the "invisible gloves" that this product creates.

Amongst the Top 10 Rated Lotions by Cultivated Gazette