What Spring Skin Care Products Do You Need?

What Spring Skin Care Products Do You Need?

Ah, spring has sprung! For most of us that’s great news and we can’t wait to soak up those sun rays. After the long harsh winters, we look forward to letting our skin see the light of day! With spring comes new seasonal weather and we need to make sure that we prepare our skin for it too. We can’t cover up under our hats and scarves any more. To get ready to look and feel your best this spring, let’s look at some spring skin care products you need to have to welcome in the new season!

The Hibernation Is Over

Spring is all about freshness and looking vibrant. We’ve all been hibernating for the winter (maybe sitting on that sofa and watching Netflix a bit too much?) and we emerge in the spring looking like a zombie! Our skin can look a little dull, flat and pale. What we need is to bring our skin back to life and get it ready for the social season!

Spring Skin Care Products to Get and Some to Avoid

Here’s how to get your skin ready for spring by updating your spring skin care products!

Use a light moisturizer – Trust me, you won’t want a heavy lotion for the warmer months. Our skin is more likely to sweat and become more oily in the spring and summer so we won’t need the heavy moisturizers that our skin craves in the winter. Swap your heavy lotion for a lighter one, like Skin MD Natural, and watch your skin glow naturally. (This applies to your facial moisturizer and your body lotion too!)

Wear SPF - Being sun-prepared is always a good thing. In the spring when the warmer weather starts to show up, it reminds us that the sun is always there. As the sun gets stronger through the spring and summer, we need to protect our skin from UV damage. Having make-up with SPF in it isn’t enough so stop thinking that your bronzer is doing the job! Make sure to use a lotion that contains SPF on your face, body and hands to give your skin the best protection.

SPF for the lips – We think about protecting our skin from the sun’s UV rays but don’t forget your lips! Your lips can get dry, cracked or sunburnt too and not only does it look unpleasant, it can hurt! Use a chapstick with SPF to keep your lips moisturized and protected.

Avoid heavy foundation – With the warmer weather coming on, you’ll want to avoid heavy foundation and makeup and create that natural no make-up look. No one wants clogged pores or makeup sweating off their face. Swap your thick makeup for a lighter coverage to allow your skin to breathe and avoid breakouts. 

Exfoliate your skin – Now that your skin’s winter hibernation is over, it’s time to get rid of the dead skin cells and show off your healthy glow. Using gentle exfoliators will help to remove the build-up of skin cells and impurities on the surface to reveal fresh and vibrant skin underneath. Just make sure you don’t over exfoliate!

I know we look forward to scoffing down Easter chocolates in the spring and the mere thought of wearing flip flops gets us excited but don’t forget to look after your skin too! Get your spring skin care products at the ready, dust off those cobwebs and get out there in your best looking spring skin!

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